Thursday, April 23, 2009

What's in the box today....

Okay, here are some of the goodies in the boy's box today. He requested the Ocean Animals number cards, so we switched those up from the vehicles one. I also put the bigger workbox on the second shelf, and have a good mix of more studious work to fun stuff.

These bird sheets are Montessori works, and basically the child takes the bird pictures and matches it to the correct square/word to describe it. I colored the different areas and then just drew up a sheet. Usually this should go on a file folder. Mine is old, I made it some years ago...then the pen bled in the folder and you could not read the words-so I just made up a new set to place the pics on. I lamiated them and will call it a day. I put the bird pieces in an old cassette tape holder. I have them for the fish, bird, reptile, and amphibian. We'll do the frog when we start our lapbook on them. This is a quick intro for body parts for my son. We'll get more indepth when we get back into the Flying Creatures Science book and the Land Animals one as well. I am winding down our year-so trying to keep it more fun, less work and light in academics.

I think I saw some downloadable pics for these very things on the site Montessori Materials-look under the science (I hope I saw them there).

This piggy set was a freebie thru our Lutheran Brotherhood Insurance company. It teaches kids to save, spend and tithe by having a piggy bank that is divided into those parts and is accompanied by a workbook that came laminated, so they can write in it with the erasable markers, and erase to reuse as needed. I also put in some change for the boy to put into it. I should think one can come up with something similar for their boxes. Find a piggy bank (we got some for free when our bank opened), loose change, maybe a book on money from the library and then you can discuss ways to save/spend/tithe it.

These are those beads you layout in a pattern and then use a cool iron to melt em together. I think now they have the ones the kids just spray with water and they stick together-but we have these and no new ones are entering my home til these are all used up. I have a huge HELP button on the outside, since he cannot do the iron part. He has a pattern he can choose a vehicle to make from, or can get the patterns out and choose one of those (these are the plastic forms that make something-like a cat).

I also have a box with a sheet on map reading from Enchanted Learning (must have membership and I totally recommend this awesome resource), some colored pencils and a note that says to work on it with dad. Tomorrow he will get a sheet to label the compass, a compass and I will have some things written down for him to do using that compass. We'll also have a project where he will make a globe. We also have the usuals in there-math, reading, copywork, etc.

One final thing-yesterday-may son proclaimed, "I am going to do school the rest of my life!" and in a positive way, as he was so excited about completing his boxes. I almost cried. This was a kid who would run in the opposite direction when I said it was time to hit the books. He was very resistant to school up until those workboxes showed up. I am so sold on this system-amazing. I have another post showing a cool thing you can make, but I must get to an appointment-will post later.

And dear friends-that is What's in the Box for today.

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