Ok, I finally put the label on-again-this is my binder to maintain order and to be able to find the stuff lickety split.
I put the notes from mom/teacher into a pencil holder that came with the pencils I bought-I pull these out to write specific page numbers or whatever, for the boy to follow. The page should be in the files section of the yahoo groups (workbox_fun and workboxes) to download and use.
I downloaded the free chore chart from Curr-Click and then laminated the ones he can do without much supervision. On occasion, I will toss one of these babies into his workbox for the day.
I made up a couple activity cards specific to my son's likes, and some field trip cards as well.
Lastly, I made some help cards, work with mom cards and 3 continuation cards (there will be times that I do not want him to empty his box and be "finished" with the project...like science experiments that take a couple days to do/observe, and other activities that need to be worked on for several days in a row) so those cards have a spot below the calendar to write down the day I want him to work on it to...for example...card goes in Tuesday and has work on 'til Friday on it.
So those are my newest additions for now. I am trying to spend my time off (mini-Easter vaca this week) getting all the prep and organization done before next week, when we officially start using the system.
Hope this helps spur you on to ideas for your family too. Blessings
Hi I am newbie,
ReplyDeleteI just bought Sue Patrick's Workbox ebook last night. I am reading the book and trying to figure out how I want to impliment it all. I have a 14 yo, 10 yo, and 8 yo that I want to work this into their schedules.
Blessings in Him<><