Saturday, July 10, 2010

Hey if you are a FIAR rower, and have done the bk 4 ones...

help me figure out where these stories are suppose to take place, I would be much obliged.  I am compiling a listing of the states or country or continent these take place in/by/near/sorta maybe....and since I don't own these, and the inter loans haven't come in yet, any help would be great.  I will post the listings for those FIARowers who like to have a quick glance referral as to where they occur, soon on my scribd.

Arabella (I know it is an island-does it pinpoint any specific region of the world?)
Roxaboxen (any place?)
Higgins Bend (?)
Hanna's Cold Winter (?)
Mailing May (I remember it being out west, OR or WA?)
Hickory Chair (southern USA?)
Albert (would NY be a good guess?)

If you could just leave a comment if you know-I figure some have no location, but a guess to the general area is fine too.  Thanks.
**I forgot to cross post-2 folks have now mentioned HSS and their FIAR listings, and yes, I have finally gone there-but also have posted the version I did on my Scribd pages-look for the icon on the side bar to get you there.  Can never have too many reference charts! :0) Thanks for all your help folks-I have this as done as it is going to get. 


  1. Arabella--just an island, but I think the author is Australian
    Roxaboxen--Yuma, Arizona
    Higgins Bend ??
    Hanna's Cold Winter --Budapest
    Mailing May--Idaho
    Hickory Chair ??
    Albert--NY sounds good, I don't think it said.

  2. Thanks Debbie-anyone else know the other ones?

  3. Have you seen this list from Homeschool Share?
