My YT playlist for the Continent Boxes
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Geography Ideas & Continent Boxes-YouTube links
OK-for those of you who enjoy seeing the items-head to my YouTube channel to watch them all! I hope to also get a video done in the near future showing the Montessori Sorting box I have a whole long (actually a few) posts on. You can read about that project here.
Visit my YT channel and be sure to subscribe, as this is where I will be updating and posting reviews, chatting about homeschooling, planning (planners), crafting and so forth.
Sunday, December 4, 2016
Three new videos on Laura Ingalls Wilder/Little House Books
I have three videos showcasing some of our books/trinkets and thoughts on the sites, as well as some books I checked out from our library. These ideas should hopefully help you pull some items together to create a Little House unit study, or just offer some great books to include in your pioneer/Laura studies.
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Whoa! A new Workbox post!? Yup. It's all about a new approach
Well, it was time. Time to take charge of my out of control classroom area. Which, after many, many and many more hours of cleaning, rearranging and a whole new layout-it's now back under my control. Whew!
Of course, that included the workboxes. Those beauties were turned into classic junk drawers formed by negligence and perhaps a mini F4 tornado or two. It was time to corral these puppies! And so I did.
There are so many ways to pull off workboxes, and we have tried many. Including the classic way of using shoe boxes on the shoe rack to the IKEA drawers (for the boy) to folders stored in a desk top file holder for my (then) high school daughter. For my son, we have mostly used the drawers and pretty much followed the plan noted below:
*IKEA totes filled with various assignments (refilled nightly/semi-nightly) that were switched up by subject to avoid boredom. Mini-notes included on top of work if extra instruction was needed.
*Schedule Book (with tags like the number cards) used to layout day/week's worth of activities (including those things not put in the workbox) that he referred to daily.
*Tags numbered 1-6 (or higher depending on assignments) that were on the tote, then removed and put on his chart when done.
*Items needing to be corrected were placed in a basket-items that needed to be re-shelved/sorted were put in a larger tote for me to take care of.
Due to many things, and some sad events in our life over the last two years-the workboxes became dormant. They turned into junk collecting tubs. They beckoned me. I ignored them. I just looked away. Now, I knew our day would go more smoothly if I just recommitted to using them-but I couldn't get myself to that point. Time. Life. Laziness. Whatever it was, it has now come to an end.
I have a high schooler who needs to get things completed in a timely fashion. He needs to be able to find all that stuff. He needed a new, efficient way to use his workboxes. Mind you, many already do this-but we were just late to the party is all. I knew I wanted to go this route for some time-I just had to have the opportunity and will power to change it over....
NOW-here is the exciting thing, they have been emptied, cleaned and reset to accommodate our new plan.
So instead of having the boxes numbered, with tags removed after the assignment is completed and then transferred to the chart: The boxes are labeled by subject and the tags stay on. These will now house the main materials and larger items for that subject. All of it, except for things that must be graded, will go back in the same box when done. All nice and tidy like.
I will no longer have to fret over what order the subjects are completed. He will (for the most part) control what he does during the day. I will set some "Let's do this now." activities (esp. for history, math new lang. arts material and spelling) where I can give him my utmost attention, but the rest of it is up to him. He can suggest the order to me. I mean if he wants to start with history-so be it. But I will def. encourage math in the morning. He does much better with that earlier than later. He can stay with the same routine each day or switch it up. As long as he's getting those daily assignments completed...I don't care about the order in which they are done.
There is no longer a picture tag Schedule Book. He is now the proud owner of a 3-ring binder which contains the following:
*His personal schedule book noting specific assignments for that day/week. See the video!
*Folders containing any specific worksheets, lapbook/notebook components and quizzes/tests that he will have to do.
Bin for turning in papers to be graded. It's still there (altho a different one than before) and conveniently located next to his main desk.
Anything too large for the workboxes will just be on the main desk and we can put it away when done. I mean, geez-he's certainly old enough to do that. :)
My main goal is to get him into the groove of using a written in schedule book, being much more responsible for his work/class load and taking charge of his day. He needs that exposure to be better equipped for college and beyond. And I need a break. Seriously, it's a lot of work covering all the scheduling/planning, filling and refilling of the workboxes, setting up the daily schedule book (younger version) and so forth.
So there you have it. Our new (to us) system to navigate our workboxes and stay organized, on schedule and accountable. So now that you have read all the way to here-watch the video to see what I am talking about here. Enjoy!
Of course, that included the workboxes. Those beauties were turned into classic junk drawers formed by negligence and perhaps a mini F4 tornado or two. It was time to corral these puppies! And so I did.
There are so many ways to pull off workboxes, and we have tried many. Including the classic way of using shoe boxes on the shoe rack to the IKEA drawers (for the boy) to folders stored in a desk top file holder for my (then) high school daughter. For my son, we have mostly used the drawers and pretty much followed the plan noted below:
*IKEA totes filled with various assignments (refilled nightly/semi-nightly) that were switched up by subject to avoid boredom. Mini-notes included on top of work if extra instruction was needed.
*Schedule Book (with tags like the number cards) used to layout day/week's worth of activities (including those things not put in the workbox) that he referred to daily.
*Tags numbered 1-6 (or higher depending on assignments) that were on the tote, then removed and put on his chart when done.
*Items needing to be corrected were placed in a basket-items that needed to be re-shelved/sorted were put in a larger tote for me to take care of.
Due to many things, and some sad events in our life over the last two years-the workboxes became dormant. They turned into junk collecting tubs. They beckoned me. I ignored them. I just looked away. Now, I knew our day would go more smoothly if I just recommitted to using them-but I couldn't get myself to that point. Time. Life. Laziness. Whatever it was, it has now come to an end.
I have a high schooler who needs to get things completed in a timely fashion. He needs to be able to find all that stuff. He needed a new, efficient way to use his workboxes. Mind you, many already do this-but we were just late to the party is all. I knew I wanted to go this route for some time-I just had to have the opportunity and will power to change it over....
NOW-here is the exciting thing, they have been emptied, cleaned and reset to accommodate our new plan.
So instead of having the boxes numbered, with tags removed after the assignment is completed and then transferred to the chart: The boxes are labeled by subject and the tags stay on. These will now house the main materials and larger items for that subject. All of it, except for things that must be graded, will go back in the same box when done. All nice and tidy like.
I will no longer have to fret over what order the subjects are completed. He will (for the most part) control what he does during the day. I will set some "Let's do this now." activities (esp. for history, math new lang. arts material and spelling) where I can give him my utmost attention, but the rest of it is up to him. He can suggest the order to me. I mean if he wants to start with history-so be it. But I will def. encourage math in the morning. He does much better with that earlier than later. He can stay with the same routine each day or switch it up. As long as he's getting those daily assignments completed...I don't care about the order in which they are done.
There is no longer a picture tag Schedule Book. He is now the proud owner of a 3-ring binder which contains the following:
*His personal schedule book noting specific assignments for that day/week. See the video!
*Folders containing any specific worksheets, lapbook/notebook components and quizzes/tests that he will have to do.
Bin for turning in papers to be graded. It's still there (altho a different one than before) and conveniently located next to his main desk.
Anything too large for the workboxes will just be on the main desk and we can put it away when done. I mean, geez-he's certainly old enough to do that. :)
My main goal is to get him into the groove of using a written in schedule book, being much more responsible for his work/class load and taking charge of his day. He needs that exposure to be better equipped for college and beyond. And I need a break. Seriously, it's a lot of work covering all the scheduling/planning, filling and refilling of the workboxes, setting up the daily schedule book (younger version) and so forth.
So there you have it. Our new (to us) system to navigate our workboxes and stay organized, on schedule and accountable. So now that you have read all the way to here-watch the video to see what I am talking about here. Enjoy!
Decision regarding my blogs: Their fates
Well, this is something I have been debating and contemplating for a long time. My blogs and their futures.
I am not getting the visits I used to when I had begun this odyssey. It takes lots of time to write and upload pics and provide links. It can be exhausting. I simply cannot justify the time it takes to work on this blog when it is not getting read. SO, I have made the decision to wrap up what I want to add on here by Dec. 31, 2016 and then I will let it go semi-dormant. I will be soon removing all Amazon affiliate links (it's such a pain that Amazon thing), and will declutter the posts to only relevant (good) info posts.
For my Workbox blog: I will (hopefully soon) get a post with the video link up on how we are currently using our workboxes for you. I may have a couple other posts I want to do before I go dormant but right now we are at a status quo for our usage of the wkbxes and there really isn't much new to report.
As for the main hsing blog: I do want to finish the continent boxes series,add a post about how to install (or for us reinstall) a shower board white board in the classroom , finish up the castle project, and maybe add a couple more odds and endsposts . After that-I doubt I will post very much at all.
I will keep both blogs live and available to you. I simply won't be posting after that unless something amazing needs to be told.
I have moved over to the YouTube venue for chatting about homeschooling, planning, life updates and more. So if you want to see what is currently happening around here-please go to my channel and subscribe.
I do want to thank all of you who have stopped by, followed and commented. I truly enjoyed being able to share our experiences with you-and getting to know many of you through this blogging experience. In the future, after I am done with homeschooling-I may very well start one new blog about something? Not sure yet, but if I do I will def. be sure to let you all know.
So there you have it-I finally made a decision regarding this. It's been a long time in coming and I am feeling a big relief off my shoulders. Whew.
I am not getting the visits I used to when I had begun this odyssey. It takes lots of time to write and upload pics and provide links. It can be exhausting. I simply cannot justify the time it takes to work on this blog when it is not getting read. SO, I have made the decision to wrap up what I want to add on here by Dec. 31, 2016 and then I will let it go semi-dormant. I will be soon removing all Amazon affiliate links (it's such a pain that Amazon thing), and will declutter the posts to only relevant (good) info posts.
For my Workbox blog: I will (hopefully soon) get a post with the video link up on how we are currently using our workboxes for you. I may have a couple other posts I want to do before I go dormant but right now we are at a status quo for our usage of the wkbxes and there really isn't much new to report.
As for the main hsing blog: I do want to finish the continent boxes series,
I will keep both blogs live and available to you. I simply won't be posting after that unless something amazing needs to be told.
I have moved over to the YouTube venue for chatting about homeschooling, planning, life updates and more. So if you want to see what is currently happening around here-please go to my channel and subscribe.
I do want to thank all of you who have stopped by, followed and commented. I truly enjoyed being able to share our experiences with you-and getting to know many of you through this blogging experience. In the future, after I am done with homeschooling-I may very well start one new blog about something? Not sure yet, but if I do I will def. be sure to let you all know.
So there you have it-I finally made a decision regarding this. It's been a long time in coming and I am feeling a big relief off my shoulders. Whew.
Monday, July 18, 2016
DIY Homeschool Planner Videos and downloadable page links
I haven't done the download thing in some time, so if it is not working, please be patient with me...just leave a comment and I will see if I can figure it out. But I went thru Google Docs and these should work.
When I saved them to PDF the font/look remained the same but when I uploaded the docx it changed them. GO figure. So I only have the PDF listed right now because that has the same font/pic layout as my planner pages.
Please keep in mind-there are no washi tape (images) at the top of the papers b/cuz I don't have the copyrights to that. You can simply download a copy, put your own washi across the top and then scan/print what you need. The book washi tape I have on many of my sheets is from Washi Wednesday's site or you can purchase thru their etsy shop. If you order thru them (I only went thru their website so I don't know if the Etsy orders take the same amt of time or not), it takes a few weeks to arrive because it's shipped from overseas. Check them out tho-they have some adorable products! Be sure to look at the MT encyclopedia sea and MT birds tapes, the MT moon and MT planet too. Very neat!
When I saved them to PDF the font/look remained the same but when I uploaded the docx it changed them. GO figure. So I only have the PDF listed right now because that has the same font/pic layout as my planner pages.
Please keep in mind-there are no washi tape (images) at the top of the papers b/cuz I don't have the copyrights to that. You can simply download a copy, put your own washi across the top and then scan/print what you need. The book washi tape I have on many of my sheets is from Washi Wednesday's site or you can purchase thru their etsy shop. If you order thru them (I only went thru their website so I don't know if the Etsy orders take the same amt of time or not), it takes a few weeks to arrive because it's shipped from overseas. Check them out tho-they have some adorable products! Be sure to look at the MT encyclopedia sea and MT birds tapes, the MT moon and MT planet too. Very neat!
Videos showcasing the planner pages:
I am refilming th DIY cover pages video, once that
is complete I will get that up here as well.
is complete I will get that up here as well.
**In the video description boxes are links to the
various pages that I found for free on line.
Please click those to download thru those sites.
Pages to Print:
The pages I created via MS Word.
various pages that I found for free on line.
Please click those to download thru those sites.
Pages to Print:
The pages I created via MS Word.
(near bottom so you can print off a calendar above it)
Friday, May 27, 2016
Virtual Homeschool Co-op Intro Video plus a whole lot more!
I have been working hard to get caught up on the Virtual Homeschool Co-op channel assignments. I have #5 and #8 to complete for this year's duties. Trish will be starting a new school year VHC series next September but will have tag alongs this summer for the 2015-16 VHC series. Take a look peeps! There are some awesome ladies with all varying types of school methods, kid counts, styles and more! Join too! It is not too terribly hard (just getting over being in front of the camera that is) and it's fun to partake in.
I have all sorts of videos up and many other ones planned, including ones on workboxing. So please subscribe! And if you do-you can enter the give away I will have going from June 1-15, 2016. Yup! Lots of fun going on. Til then, take a look see at my terrible-terrible intro (I will def. be reshooting a new one for next year) and subscribe! Thanks-
Sunday, May 1, 2016
New header and background to freshen up the old blog
I figured it was time to update a bit. It's the best I could come up with for now. Not exactly what I wanted but different and a bit more subdued.
And since I am talking refreshing here-I am trying to do more on this blog. I guess since we don't use them like we used to-at least to the previous capacity, I just have not had enough to post about. But hopefully here, I will get into the habit of using them more which will lead to more posts. Actually, our lack of not using them is a two-fold issue. The first being that my son is older and I tend to go to a planner or check list and not so much the boxes for high school. Secondly, I have just been doing what I can to get things done-I am feeling better but I am still in that foggy area on the outskirts of grief. It's been a true struggle getting back into life after suffering such a loss (of my brother last year) so keeping things non-complicated is about all I can do at this point. But I have tried a lot of ways to implement them and have seen how well they can streamline your day.
So if you have some workbox questions, ask away. Maybe I can do some more "Ask Sheri" posts for you. I know many are new to workboxing, or are perhaps not quite getting the idea behind it or struggling to make it work for them. Maybe I know a few tricks (maybe-lol) or have a few ideas that may help you out.
And since I am talking refreshing here-I am trying to do more on this blog. I guess since we don't use them like we used to-at least to the previous capacity, I just have not had enough to post about. But hopefully here, I will get into the habit of using them more which will lead to more posts. Actually, our lack of not using them is a two-fold issue. The first being that my son is older and I tend to go to a planner or check list and not so much the boxes for high school. Secondly, I have just been doing what I can to get things done-I am feeling better but I am still in that foggy area on the outskirts of grief. It's been a true struggle getting back into life after suffering such a loss (of my brother last year) so keeping things non-complicated is about all I can do at this point. But I have tried a lot of ways to implement them and have seen how well they can streamline your day.
So if you have some workbox questions, ask away. Maybe I can do some more "Ask Sheri" posts for you. I know many are new to workboxing, or are perhaps not quite getting the idea behind it or struggling to make it work for them. Maybe I know a few tricks (maybe-lol) or have a few ideas that may help you out.
Friday, November 13, 2015
New post up on my Homeschooling Blog
Just wanted to share...I have a new update post on my blog. Be sure to check it out. I haven't been able to do much posting lately, and def. not anything here. Again-life right now is on basic mode. So be sure to visit the Hsing on a Wing and a Prayer blog for new info. My goal is to start using our workboxes more sometime here this new year, so I would have a relevant post to go along with it-LOL. Until then, keep on workboxing and visiting my main blog.
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
I have two new posts on our Technology/Engineering/STEM activities
I know some of you don't follow both blogs-so I thought I would link in the two posts here for you. My son has been working on the AmeriKit European Siren and the Elenco FM radio kit. These are really fun for kids who like this sort of thing and it also counts as hands-on experience that you can tie into the final grade/transcript for your class.
I also did a quick Q and A Show and Tell video of his project as well. Be sure to visit my Homeschooling on a Wing and a Prayer blog often as I don't post pert near as often here.
I also did a quick Q and A Show and Tell video of his project as well. Be sure to visit my Homeschooling on a Wing and a Prayer blog often as I don't post pert near as often here.
Soldering post with European Siren

FM radio mini post on the FM radio with a video
Friday, September 11, 2015
Video Tours of our curriculum for 2015-16
OK, here are the video tours of the curriculum we will use this year.
It's not all of it but the main stuff. I plan on making one for the
artist study with more details. Anyhoo-enjoy!
And please be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel. That way
you will get notifications on any new videos! Thanks!
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