Friday, April 30, 2010

Oreo Cookie Moon Phases activity

This is a fun one!  We used the vanilla flavored cookies, since they look more like the color of the moon-but obviously, the chocolate ones are just as good.

I found this activity on the Paper Plate Education site.  There are a lot of fun things there that I am sure we will also do.


Since I knew the cookies wouldn't last until we could do this-I squirreled away 9 (in case one broke) and hid the stash til the day it showed up in the workbox.  I highly recommend this approach if you will not be doing this as soon as those cookies are unpacked from the grocery store.

We did school outside that day-because it was gorgeous....just packed the workboxes up and hauled em outside.  Talk about a fun way to learn.  I just clipped the laminated sheet (of course it was laminated-do you expect anything less from me?  The laminating queen? LOL) to a clip board and then totally forgot to read the directions before heading were suppose to use a knife to help cut the shapes...but teeth work fine-they are just not very accurate....
as you can see by the final results here-that and the cookies must have been dropped or something because many were cracked...but alas-that did not stop the boy (ah hem and me and Sissy) from enjoying them.  Talk about an excellent way to being totally involved with your lesson!  LOL We may have to do this again with the chocolate ones, and perhaps the Oreos that have the orange filling (like during the fall when the harvest moon shows up) for good measure.  :0)


  1. Hi Sheri,

    I love this idea.

    We are not studying astronomy this year, but I am sure we will be covering it in 2011-2012.


  2. Very cool idea! Thanks for posting...we will have to try this.

  3. What a cute idea! I'll have to try this out, very creative. Thanks for posting!
