Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Well using our workboxes has been an epic fail but just trying to keep it real here

Yes, I admit it-I have failed miserably with utilizing the workboxes this past semester! I mean epic fail. But then again, since I only have one student we don't need them quite as much because my boy gets all my attention. One of the big reasons I originally chose to go the workbox route was to help my 2 kiddos (wish I had known of this when I had four underfoot!) to be able to work at their own speed, on various subjects, in an organized manner. But honestly, it was mostly for me. As in saving my sanity, keeping me on a somewhat decent schedule of what we needed to cover and more than anything-it gave me a breather here and there.

Simply put, I was able to give them each stuff to work on independently without my having to answer the "What's next?" or "Where's the ....?" 30x an hour-so that I could do more focused work with them individually when needed. It was work to get them 'stuffed' but it was time well spent. I was like a routine machine, and after a bit of time loading those puppies I was like Speedy Senorita Sally and could whip those together in less than 20 mins for both of them!   Alas, those were the days.

Last semester I looked over what we'd be doing and decided it was not worth the time/effort to use them as much, so they became our 'store the stuff' boxes.  I have six by my desk that house the various materials we are using this year and he has six which he stuffed his various workbooks, texts and such in.  It was a good situation. It worked.  But changes are on the horizon! I do believe I will be able to use them as intended soon...well I did just the other day-was so proud of myself!

What I have found, like with anything really, is that no matter where you are in your journey there are times where things work and then there are times where you need to just put ideas/methods aside.  That happens with curriculum, with methods, groups/co-ops, and such.  It is not a sign of failure. Granted I labeled this post as an 'epic fail' but my lack of using workboxes as they are intended to be used IS NOT failing.  It is adapting. 

It is my way of stating that yes, best intentions sometimes get waylaid. But more importantly it's my way of encouraging you (if weary or tired or a tad burned out) that with the ebb and flow of life and homeschooling you need to be flexible and adjust to fit the current needs of your family and current life situations.  It's OK. And frankly speaking here-it's better that you do change things up. Way better than 'sticking to your guns' and not veering off course come 'H E double hockey sticks or high water'. That is a one way ticket to Doomsville O'Burnout.  I strongly encourage you to avoid that ride at all costs.  

If you have been struggling to keep up with the workboxes (or other various homeschooling/life things) step back and readjust to fit to what you need now.

If you do need the workboxes but have become a 'slacker' then try to just do 1/2 the amount of boxes you normally would and do more group or one-on-one time. Take some of the load off of yourself so you can recharge.  Take that time to figure out where in the process you are struggling and see if you can find some solutions to help you streamline your efforts.  Look thru Pinterest, other workboxing blogs and of course, here. Maybe I have some older posts that you may have missed.  

If it is your student that struggles using them-then perhaps dear reader they are not the right way to motivate your student. You may need to try other options. And that is OK too.

So even tho I have this blog dedicated to workboxing, it doesn't always mean we actually workbox.  And there you have it, just keeping it real.

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