Sunday, April 1, 2012

Been posting on Heart of Dakota on my other blog in case you are considering it for your child

I have been mainly posting there we have been trying out a few new things, including the Heart of Dakota Creation to Christ curriculum.  For the workboxes, I still can put math, supplies for projects, HW and such in them but most of the HOD is reading and the books are big-so they have been sitting atop of my big workbox (aka: the coffee table) lately.  Since my son is not a strong reader [working on that using the Phonics Road to Spelling and Reading mixed with a couple other things] I am doing most of the reading which means less goes into the boxes right now.  I am sure I will tweak and figure out a system that best suits using a program like this (unit study/large pre-planned curriculum) with the workboxes-and I will share once I have figured out a good plan.  For now, I am winging it and most of it is just picking up the books off the table.
But if you are considering a new program for your child(ren) and are looking for one that follows Charlotte Mason methods along with using good literature-this may be what you are looking for.  They have all sorts of levels/eras they cover.  We didn't have much for the beginning of time to Christ and I was thrilled to find something that covered that time frame while still using a style we prefer.

Here are the links to read the posts I have done so far.

First HOD post
HOD and Dinosaur study
Third post covering some projects and poetry

Hope it is a blessing and helps some of you out who are considering such a curriculum.

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