Friday, October 29, 2010

Oh, here we go-an Ask Sheri opportunity fell onto my lap today-Part I

Well, I find myself with a load of ??s from a fellow blogger, Kelly, who has asked me actually a 3 part question-so, to all you out there-I will simply split this into 2 segments because I need to ponder the one part to come up with something remotely intelligent for an answer...

Here is the easier part, which is long winded-so sorry...
Kelly asks:
"I would also love to know how you "come up" with the ideas for the activity centers."

Well, funny you should ask, because I often have moments where I have trouble figuring that out myself.  I honestly do not know where these things come from (well, yes I do...the Lord puts into my head and opens the door for me to create it).  I don't get it.  I truly don't.  Sometimes, I am like as dumb as a stump trying to figure out a way to get something across to the children-other times I emulate the dude from the "Beautiful Mind" movie, where ideas and things just pour from my think tank like a waterfall gone wild!  Seriously.

So there really is no formula or books I scour to get these things-just general reading of other's blogs, piece mealing ideas I have read in various books/magazines or seen somewhere...then a need strikes.  My poor family is doomed-they step back and I get to creating this whirlwind of something.

Then a situation arises where we could use something fun or an activity of sorts that helps cement the lessons and poof! I get motivated (having worked in child care for many years, I was no stranger to the idea of centers or areas dedicated to a certain topic, but gosh darn it all I don't want my house looking like a science fair or elementary open house display)-so I knew I had to come up with something that I could tuck away.  Hence the science project boards-saw em one day at JoAnns and thought, "Well lookie here, I can put such and such on this, then when we are done with it for the day-fold and tuck it away!" I was sold.

Then I will just look around at the goodies I have squirreled away [the dollar store teacher section is a dangerous place for me-I will see those bulletin board cut outs or something and  "see" that I can do something with it-what?  Well who I get ones that I believe I can use and "wait" for something creative to pop into my head for it.  Then I start making something after I have a need [such as the geo center].   I look at the resources I have on my shelves, in my 'puter and so forth, pick through to find what will work, and then throw it together. It is amazing what you can find tucked away in toy boxes, one's school stuff, junk drawers, etc!  I get some pretty cool things from those treasure troves. It is like putting a puzzle together-the pieces are there, you just have to figure out where they go and if it even fits (you know cuz the kids mixed different ones together) get the finished product.

And there you have it.  I guess need drives my creativity, together with a God given talent [which comes and goes] for whipping up something, is truly how it comes to be. I know there are many more talented and gifted folks out there that put me to shame.  I actually love finding/seeing their stuff, and learning from them; so I can glean what I can for future use. I just tailor it [whatever it is I am trying to put together] to our needs and hope it works [which is not always the case, actually-I have to toss a lot of it out b/cuz it stinks], and that there is my long winded explanation for you.

But thanks for asking!  Part II will come soon-just want to ponder it a bit.  Thanks and hope you all enjoyed another session of Ask Sheri.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the answer. I'll be looking forward to hearing the answer to the other parts. I am still trying to get my head around workboxes but I KNOW they will work and make things easier/faster/better as soon as I can get it all unjumbled.
